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AvantSpeakHCP Marketing

How to Show Up and Show Out at a Congress

Two Perspectives from Medical and Creative

A strong congress presence is essential for pharma companies as they showcase their story for attendees, but where do you begin? What are the most doable ways to stand out from the sheer mass of organizations and clinical experts at the event? And what can you do to engage the health care professionals (HCPs) who are there to learn?

To answer those questions and provide insight into what really works at a Congress medical booth, we’re featuring key takeaways from two leaders on our Medical Affairs and Creative teams.

Joining us for this discussion are Elizabeth Krieger, PharmD, Senior Director of Medical Strategy for Avant, along with Ethan Goldberg, Group Creative Director at Avant. Both are seasoned collaborators in the healthcare communications space.


Begin with the ‘SO WHAT’

Before diving into the details of your Congress presence, evaluating the “big picture” will help you decide the overall impact you want to make.

Elizabeth: It’s always important to think about the SO WHAT when you start planning for a Congress.

For instance, you might notice a competitor has a ‘great’ booth… but ask yourself, SO WHAT? Did that booth work to get attention and stop there…or does it deliver information, education, and important takeaways? Does it engage HCPs to stop and ask questions? Do they want to know more based on what and how you’re presenting? Because that’s what matters.

Ethan: I 100% agree with Elizabeth. What draws you in is important, but RELEVANCE is the key to delivering a meaningful experience for everyone at the event.

Because there’s the curiosity part in all of us, and there’s the cutting-edge technology and unconventional materials that play into that,” he explains. “But whatever you present and however impressive it is…it must be sticky and stay with an HCP long after they leave the Congress. That’s how you make meaningful connections.


Plan (Way) Ahead

A large part of creating those meaningful connections is preparing well in advance of a particular Congress. We all know the familiar saying, ‘practice makes perfect’ but we’d like to add that planning forward makes perfection more possible.

Elizabeth: Planning ahead is everything because it’s never too early to start. I mean, even six months ahead is sometimes too late. That’s because new data is becoming available and creates an urgency to craft new ideas. But it’s stressful.

New data leads to new ideas, which requires multiple points of communication around every single deliverable. And that’s when the energy happens! We’re always finding new and different ways to help our clients, so we really rally. And getting started early helps everyone balance the stress and stay ahead of the train on the tracks, so to speak.


Bring on the Flair—But Remember the Basics

Much the way a little black dress is a simple wardrobe staple that can be fancied up and accessorized to shine, the same can be said about a Congress booth.

Behind all the sophistication of a well-tailored, highly digitized booth is a demand for simple analog components.

Ethan: So, while all the interactive digital education is drawing them in, analog elements like live presentations and printed handouts also have their place because they add to the overall booth experience and education.

For digital features, I’ve seen everything from holographic KOLs talking about a disease state to gamification that activates HCPs’ competitive nature and creates instant engagement. It makes the data delivery experience memorable and enjoyable, and they walk away energized and ready to learn more about that drug or disease state.

And what about those educational engagements at Congresses?

Ethan: Escape room activities have gained considerable popularity. I know why, too! I’ve seen groups of HCPs literally rip apart a locked briefcase to get answers faster than their competing groups so they can win a breakout room. It’s safe to say I’ve witnessed them turn into savages!

Part of the appeal of activities like this is because HCPs are just like anyone else.

They like being among peers and getting caught up in that wave of collaboration. It increases the insights they acquire and the credibility of information they gain from their fellow KOLs.


Final Thoughts on Showing Up and Out at Congress

Just as any theater or stage production goes through a rehearsal before the big premiere, doing the same for a Congress ensures everything is running as intended and all the players know their cues.

Ethan: I would say one of the most important things you can do when everything is ready to go is to walk the walk with your client. And the more complex the experience is, the more you need to do a dry run with your client about what’s happening in the booth...all the things.

Elizabeth: Great point. I would add to that: hold daily recaps where everyone gathers to talk about the top takeaways or key learnings of the day—and what we can do to keep the momentum going and address any concerns so we’re well prepared for the next day or the next Congress.

Are you planning a Congress for the end of 2024 or sometime in 2025?

Talk with us about how to create the kind of presence Congress attendees will remember.

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